For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)
Esther: Discovering Jesus in Unexpected Places
The Book of Esther is renowned for its enthralling narrative of bravery, divine intervention, and the rescue of an entire people. While it may not overtly reference Jesus Christ, closer scrutiny reveals spiritual insights and echoes of the Savior within its narrative. Let’s unearth the unmistakable presence of Jesus in the Book of Esther.
The Pros and Cons of the "Plain Sense Meaning" Approach to Bible Study
When we read the Bible, shouldn’t we take its words at face value? The answer to that question is both yes and no. While every word in the Bible is true, God inspired the writers to use metaphor, symbolism, irony, and other literary devices to convey the message.
Nehemiah: Revealing Christ's Character and Mission
The Book of Nehemiah, found in the Old Testament, often escapes notice within the collection of biblical stories. Yet, beneath its apparently ordinary account of post-exilic Israel's endeavors to reconstruct the walls of Jerusalem lies a remarkable unveiling of Jesus Christ. While Nehemiah may not directly introduce us to the Messiah as the Gospels do, it offers a compelling glimpse into Christ's character, mission, and redemptive work in the world.
The Hermeneutical Spiral: Letting the Bible Interpret the Bible.
The hermeneutical spiral is a concept that describes the iterative and recursive nature of the interpretive process in Bible study. Let me explain: The hermeneutical spiral is like a cycle because you go through it again and again, and it helps you understand the Bible better each time. So, when you study the Bible, you don't just read it once and understand everything; you keep going back and digging deeper to learn more.
Ezra: Revealing Jesus in Unexpected Ways
The Book of Ezra, found in the Old Testament of the Bible, may seem like a historical account of events that took place thousands of years ago, but it holds a deep message that reveals the presence of Jesus Christ in unexpected ways. One might be familiar with the stories of the Bible, but let's investigate how the Book of Ezra offers a glimpse of Jesus.
Unlocking the Power of Cross-Referencing in Bible Study: A Comprehensive Guide
Cross-referencing in Bible study refers to the practice of examining related passages and references within the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of a particular verse, passage, or topic. It involves comparing different parts of the Bible that address similar themes, ideas, or events to illuminate the meaning and context of the specific passage under study.