How To Let Go of Fear and Grab Your Dreams

Have you ever been so afraid that you could not move? A hundred years ago when I was in Junior High my music teacher told us this story. He was sitting in his living room looking out his living room window. A storm was approaching and the wind was really beginning to whip. Watching the effects of the wind suddenly he realized that the large oak tree in his front yard was falling. He said, “I didn’t know what to do! I could see it coming for the house but was so afraid I couldn’t move.” The tree came crashing through his house but stop before it came through the second floor into the living room.

I am reading a fascinating book called Shine by Edward Hallowell, M.D. The book focuses on how brain science can be used to help people and organizations perform at their peak. Dr. Hallowell writes extensively about the effects of fear on the human brain. He writes, “Fear is the great disabler, more dangerous today because it is so widespread.” He continues, “There is no greater cause of underachievement than fear” (p. 89).

Fear, according to Dr. Hallowell, causes our brain to retreat to its lowest functions. When people are afraid they do not create or innovate. Fear forces us into survival mode making it “neurologically” impossible to perform.

Luke chapter one gives us the story of a man named Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth. In this story we see how fear literally stops Zacharias from believing that God can do anything – even answer the prayer Zacharias prayed for he and his wife.

Luke opens his gospel by telling us about a couple named Zacharias (God remembers) and Elizabeth (God is my oath). This is a ministry couple. Zacharias is a priest and Elizabeth is a “daughter of Aaron.” Aaron was the older brother of Moses and the first High Priest in Israel. These were godly people who had the reputation for being lovers of God and obedient to God’s calling.

But even these righteous and holy people had a problem. They are unable to have children. We don’t know if the problem is with Zacharias or Elizabeth. We only know they are unable to conceive. Now, you have to look at this from the culture of that day. A woman (even if it was the husband’s infertility) who could not conceive was considered cursed or possibly even guilty of some gross sin bringing God’s judgement of barrenness on her.

God was about to show this couple that their dilemma was not a curse or judgment. God was in control of all that was happening and was about to use their lives to show His glory and power. 

So, Zacharias is doing his priestly duty. In this day there were 20,000 priests in Israel and only one Temple. Priests handled the upkeep of the Temple, teaching the Scriptures and directing worship services. Because there are so many priests and only one Temple the priests took turns ministering. The priests were divided into 24 groups of a little over 800 priests. Each of these groups served for two-weeks in the Temple. 

Luke tells us it is Zacharias’ time to minister in the Temple. Zacharias was chosen to offer the incense on the altar in the Temple. This was something a priest was only allowed to do once in his lifetime. It was considered one of the highest honors that could be given to a priest. 

Imagine the scene: Zacharias is dressed in his priestly robes and carrying a container full of incense. He walks up the stairs of the Temple and enters. He pours out the powdery incense onto the fire and the sweet smelling smoke is beginning to fill his nostrils and the Temple. Then suddenly out of the smoke Gabriel appears on Zacharias’s right. 

Zacharias sees him – his heart stops for a moment – he is troubled – HE IS TERRIFIED! Then Gabriel, the angel, begins to speak… 

Gabriel has a message from God for Zacharias. All through the Scriptures we see this same pattern. Those who are busy with the daily – ordinary – tasks of life suddenly begin to hear from God. David and Moses are taking care of sheep. Gideon is threshing wheat. Peter is mending his fishing nets. These and more just doing the stuff of life suddenly God begins to give them specific direction and guidance about what He wants them to do. This is the case with Zacharias – while he is doing his duty God sends Gabriel with GOOD NEWS! 

The message from God is the ANSWER TO THE PRAYERS that Zacharias and Elizabeth had prayed. Remember, they did not have children yet but they had been praying for God to do a miracle. Gabriel says, “Don’t be afraid God has heard your prayer – YOU WILL HAVE A SON!” 

But this won’t be just any son – this son will be full of the Holy Spirit from birth. This son will be powerfully anointed by God. This son will lead people back to God. This son would pave the way for the ministry of Jesus – he would announce that Jesus is the Christ. 

God’s message was so detailed in His message that He even tells Zacharias what to name the son – JOHN. The name John means “Jehovah is gracious.” This son would remind Zacharias and Elizabeth everyday of how full of grace God is to them and to the world. He would remind them of God’s goodness and mercy. 

But Zacharias isn’t quite getting the big picture here…listen  

Basically, Zacharias is saying, “OK, Gabriel, how can I know what you are saying is true and will happen?” WOW! You would think that if an angel showed up at your workplace with a message from God that you might believe – maybe!

I think the issue at hand is that Zacharias and Elizabeth had lived with the “shame” of not having children for so long they had simply given up. They had been trying to do things on their own for so long. Now when God says He will do this work – Zacharias’s first look is NOT TO GOD but to his own inability. HE IS AFRAID! And in his fear Zacharias is not able to think clearly – he is not able to see the truth in front of him – he is not able to reach out and grab God’s answer to prayer. 

Zacharias is not alone in his doubt. The Bible is full of people who, when confronted with God’s promises, could not AT FIRST believe them: Abraham, Sarah, Moses, the Israelites, Gideon, and Thomas – just to name a few. But if you read the story of these people’s lives you will see that God is patient with them. God is not turned off by your doubt IF you are willing to keep moving forward and not just give up.

There are times in our lives when we will AT FIRST wonder how God will bring some promises to pass. Here is my advice in those moments – DON’T LET DOUBT WIN. Begin to think on the promises God. Remember they are GOD’S PROMISES – if you were able to make them happen then they would be your promises and only be able to do them in your power. BUT THEY ARE GOD’S PROMISES!!! THAT MEANS THEY CAN ONLY COME TO PASS THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – NOT YOU POWER – NOT YOUR MANIPULATION – OUR DUTY IS TO BELIEVE THAT GOD IS ABLE TO MORE THAN WE CAN EVER IMAGINE! 

With God ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE – we trust and we wait – we NEVER GIVE UP! 

At this moment though it seems Zacharias’s doubt has lead him to fear; and fear has led him to unbelief. Let’s read on… 

Gabriel kind of says, “Isn’t an angel standing in front of you enough to believe that God is able?” You would think this would be enough. But to give Zacharias time to consider the power of God – Zacharias becomes unable to speak. He would spend the next 9 months unable to talk – unable to express to anyone else his unbelief. 

Now, Luke turns back to the people who are waiting outside the Temple and praying… 

The people were waiting because it was customary for the priest to come out of the Temple and bless them. But Zachariah is taking forever! The people are getting impatient and want to go home. But they won’t go home until the priest prays the blessing of Numbers 6:24-26 over them… 

‘ “The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ’

But Zacharias CANNOT speak. It seems that all Zacharias can do is make hand gestures to try to explain what has happened. In the Jewish tradition the use of hand gestures meant that God had moved upon someone in a special or unique way.

The people knew God had done something amazing for Zachariah – only he knew the promises of a son and of the soon coming Lord – but he could not express this promise until the first promise is fulfilled in 9 months. So, all Zachariah can do is finish out his time of ministry in the Temple and then go home – and so he does. 

Luke tells us that Zachariah and Elizabeth return to their homes and she becomes pregnant. There is nothing spectacular about how she conceives – just the normal and natural. But Elizabeth hides herself away until she is 5 months pregnant. I think she did this because she wanted to make sure that when she announced her pregnancy NO ONE COULD DOUBT IT – it would be obvious that she is pregnant. After all, who is going to believe that an old woman who has passed the time of life where she can have children is actually pregnant. So, she waits until there is irrefutable evidence. 

Let me ask you some tough questions:

  • What dreams have you given up because of fear?

  • What dreams have you surrendered to the doubt?

  • What promises have you stopped believing because you don’t see how to make them happen?

Maybe you’ve looked at your bank account, your education, your job, your family life – whatever and said, “Well there is no way that I will ever reach my dreams because of….(you fill in the blank).” Can I remind you this morning that if God put a dream in your heart – then God will supply all that is needed to make it happen. Somehow – someway – you have to begin to see God in a new way. Rick Warren said, 

"The size of your God determines the size of your goal. And godly goal-setting always starts with a promise of God. Don't look at your limitations; look at the promises of God."

So, here is my next tough question, “How BIG is your God?” If you are looking at yourself for the power, strength and resources to fulfill God’s promise – then your god is small (because it is you). But if you can get your eyes off of your own limitations and put them on God THEN FEAR CANNOT WIN. 

You see, when fear is gone – you are able to think clearly -see differently – and act in faith. Fear says, “God can’t so I will have to do this on my own.” Faith says, “God CAN so I am NEVER ALONE!” 

Here is my challenge for you: PICK UP THE DREAM GOD GAVE YOU – GRAB HOLD OF THE PROMISE GOD GAVE YOU. It may take some sacrifice along the way. It will require some patience and trust. It will require that you get other people involved in helping you to pray and keep trusting God.


From Nothing Special to Highly Favored


The Gospel of Luke: An Introduction