For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)
A Comprehensive Guide to Sharing the Gospel (Part 3): Affirmation
When we share the gospel with people, we should expect them to respond in faith and follow Jesus. When someone comes to faith, we must find ways to affirm their next steps. That’s more than just reading the book of John (although that is a great next step). The shattered pieces of people’s lives seem impossible to repair. Their misdeeds and mistakes have left a wake of brokenness behind them. The new life they’ve found in Jesus has infused them with the hope that Christ, the great restorer, can make all things new. It is possible that the Holy Spirit is prompting them to begin walking down the path of reconciliation.
A Comprehensive Guide to Sharing the Gospel (Part 2): Invitation
As much as we don’t want to admit it, sometimes, we do not intentionally engage people with the gospel because we fear what others might say. The enemy attempts to convince us that spending time with the addicted or broken will cause others to think poorly of us. “The crowd” is always a factor when trying to make a choice to invite others into the kingdom intentionally.
A Comprehensive Guide to Sharing the Gospel (Part 1): Be Intentional
As Christians, we are commanded to proclaim the gospel and follow Jesus' example by seeking and saving the lost. Although the story of Zacchaeus and Jesus is familiar, we often overlook its significance as a roadmap for helping others discover the transformational power of the gospel.
Central to the life of a Christ follower is the concept of self-denial. I realize that in today’s world of self-gratification and “living our best life now” ideology, the thought of surrendering one’s desires seems antiquated.
Presidents and potentates are not the answer to the issues arising from the sinful nature of fallen humanity. How can a mere human satisfy the wrath of God? Unless that human being is also the Son of God — the Word made flesh who came to tabernacle among us (John 1:1, 14)!
Our mission is to herald a kingdom wherein all its citizens find freedom through the death, burial, and resurrection of its king. A kingdom where captivity, powerlessness, blindness, and oppression give way to the overwhelming love of God, the grace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:14).