For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


The book of Luke is widely known for giving us one of the best accounts of the compassion of Jesus. One of the commentaries I use to study the book of Luke is called Be Compassionate: Let the World Know that Jesus Cares by Warren Wiersbe. Luke records numerous events where Jesus is “moved with compassion.”

So far, I have written about the first six chapters of Luke, including Jesus’s birth, genealogy, temptation in the wilderness, calling of disciples, and major teachings in the Beatitudes and The Sermon on the Plain. Chapter seven signifies a shift from teaching to doing. The seventh chapter gives us a quick-fire introduction to the compassionate Christ.

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


Last week Sherry and I were honored to attend the Annual General Meeting (General Council) of the Burundi Assembly of God Fellowship (BAGF). The history of the BAGF is short and full of God’s graceful action. Founded in 2001 during the last few years of a prolonged civil war, the BAGF has weathered incredible difficulties and emerged victorious.

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


Sherry and I spent the last 13 days on Uganda’s eastern border with Kenya, in the town of Tororo. I had the privilege of teaching Old Testament Survey to the executive leaders of the Uganda Assembly of God. These are men and women of God who are laboring well under some very difficult circumstances. They are bearing good fruit! We’ve enjoyed getting to know these co-laborers in the gospel, and learned so much from their input and insights on the Scriptures.

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


Has anyone ever quoted Luke 6:37 to you? Well, at least the part that says, “judge not?” I certainly have had that happen in my life. Sometimes as Christians, we are afraid to say anything or do anything about a situation because we know that no matter what we do, we will be called “judgmental.”

In the past, the most quoted Bible verse was John 3:16; today, it is Luke 6:37. I find it hilarious that many who do not submit to the authority of Scripture are so quick to use it when it suits them. Oops, was that statement judgmental? Did I say something that made others take a hard look at their behavior?

At SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary, I taught the undergraduate course in hermeneutics (Bible interpretation). It is one of my favorite classes to teach because I love helping others rightly understand God’s Word for themselves. When I teach people how to study the Bible, I frequently state, “Never form church doctrine or personal spiritual discipline on just one passage.” To properly understand the WHOLE teaching of God about a subject, you must see the BID PICTURE of the WHOLE Bible – not just one or two verses.

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


A few days ago, I was sulking because some things didn’t go my way. I snapped at my wife. She graciously told me I needed to get my head on straight. My attitude toward everything soured because of one situation. In prayer, I had to let go of this thing (that was out of my control anyway) and trust God to work all things out for good.

How many parents have said to their kids, “Check your attitude?” Come on now, be honest! Attitudes, good or bad, are contagious. When they are good and positive, people accomplish so much. But when they are nasty or negative, the best plans fail.

Jesus has a lot to say about attitudes in Luke 6:20-49. These verses are one sermon that Jesus preached to His disciples and “the people.” This whole blog deals with our attitudes about four things:





So, let’s ask ourselves, “What is my attitude about my circumstances?” If we deal with this one thing, our attitude toward people, ourselves, and God will also change.

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


In one short discussion about forgiveness, we looked at Luke 6:27-36. Burundi endured a civil war from 1993-2005. Some pastors spoke about being forced to fight. Others shared how they were forced to flee across borders to safety. These men and women of God carry deep wounds; their scars impact how they see the world and the church. I can honestly say, they have a much better outlook than I would have after living through conflict.

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