For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


One thing I’ve learned in walking with Jesus is that I am always in need of correction. I know it’s hard to admit, but I am wrong about things on occasion. I say and do things that if not corrected can lead to brokenness of spirit and relationships. I don’t want that! But I also am tempted to view corrections or rebukes in a negative light. When correction comes (and it will come) I am put in a position to choose my response.

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


Frederick Wood said, “Temptation is not sin; it is the call to battle.” That statement blew me away. Why? Because it is a statement of freedom. Satan’s job is to tempt us. Our job is lean on the Holy Spirit and go to war against the temptation. Listen to me! Here is an important truth. If you resist temptation, victory is promised!

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


One of my greatest privileges as a pastor is baptizing new believers in water. There is just something so special about that moment when a person goes under the water and raises to new life (Rom 6:4). As a pastor, I am often asked what baptism is and why we do it. I think that is a fair and good question. I also believe that every believer must give an answer to this important question.
That said, let’s jump into Luke 3:21-22 and the story of Jesus’s baptism by John. Most of you have probably heard about or read this passage many times before but there are some important truths here to answer the question, “Why believers should take the step of water baptism.”

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis


John the Baptizer had a very simple message: “Repent, or the kingdom of Heaven has come near” (Mt 3:2). John employed his prophetic gift to announce a new king and kingdom. He called men and women to turn from sin and trust God for salvation. He challenged them to turn from dead works and religion unto the living God who sent His own son Jesus into the world.

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis

How To Examine Your Life

How many of you have ever gone the wrong way on a one-way street? I remember a few years ago we had just returned from living and working South Africa. There we drove on the opposite side of the car and the road than in the USA. Having lived there for more than a decade, I was somewhat unaccustomed to American driving. It’s usually not that bad to make the switch. Something that really helps though is having oncoming traffic. If there is other traffic on the road you pretty much are forced to drive on the correct side

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Study the Bible Danny Davis Study the Bible Danny Davis

How to Know the Will of God

How many of you have ever thought your child was lost? Maybe you were in a store looking for some needed item. While browsing the shelves looking for the best deal you suddenly realize your child is not around. Your head swivels left. Then right. You crouch down to see if that little one is playing hide and seek under the clothing rack. He or she is nowhere in sight. Panic! Fear! Dread! Your adrenaline rushes and you instinctively begin to yell the child’s name. You begin going from aisle to aisle looking up and down while continuing to call their name. Can anyone relate to what I am saying? Well, imagine that child is Jesus – the Son of God. Would you still panic? Would you still be afraid?

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