Top 20 Words Found in the Psalms with Definitions

Every day I listen to the Chapter A Day Audio Bible as part of my morning devotions. Currently, the host, Pastor John Stange, is reading through Psalms. As I listened, I realized there were several words that recurred throughout these songs and poems. So, I thought I would put together a Top 20 list of repeated words in Psalms and give you the definitions. As you read the Psalms, refer back to this blog and use it to enhance your study.

  1. Selah (סֶלָה) - This word is used as a musical notation in the Psalms, and its exact meaning is uncertain. Some scholars believe it may indicate a pause or rest in the music, while others suggest it could be a call for reflection or meditation.

  2. Hallelujah (הַלְלוּיָהּ) - This Hebrew word means "praise the LORD," and is often used as an exclamation of joy and thanksgiving in the Psalms.

  3. Yahweh (יַהְוֶה) - This is the personal name of God in the Hebrew Bible, and is often translated as "LORD" in English translations. It is derived from the Hebrew verb "to be," and emphasizes God's eternal and unchanging nature.

  4. Righteous (צַדִּיק) - This word refers to someone who is morally upright and just. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's character and actions, as well as the behavior expected of the faithful.

  5. Salvation (יְשׁוּעָה) - This word refers to deliverance or rescue from danger or distress. In the Psalms, it often refers to God's saving work on behalf of his people, both in the present and in the future.

  6. Faithful (חָסִיד) - This word refers to someone who is loyal, steadfast, and devoted to God. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's character and actions, as well as the behavior expected of the faithful.

  7. Refuge (מָחְסֶה) - This word refers to a place of safety or shelter from danger or harm. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God as a protective refuge for his people.

  8. Blessing (בְּרָכָה) - This word refers to a gift or favor bestowed upon someone, often as a result of God's grace. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's blessings upon his people, as well as the act of praising or thanking God for his blessings.

  9. Covenant (בְּרִית) - This word refers to a solemn agreement or contract made between two parties, often with the implication of mutual obligations and commitments. In the Psalms, it often refers to God's covenant with his people, which includes both blessings for obedience and consequences for disobedience.

  10. Praise (תְּהִלָּה) - This word refers to the act of expressing admiration, gratitude, or worship to God. In the Psalms, it is often used as a call to worship or a description of the praise offered to God by his people.

  11. Merciful (רַחוּם) - This word refers to someone who is compassionate and forgiving, especially towards those who are suffering or in need. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's character and actions towards his people.

  12. Holy (קָדוֹשׁ) - This word refers to something or someone that is set apart or consecrated for a sacred purpose. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's holiness, as well as the requirement for his people to be holy as well.

  13. Redeem (גָּאַל) - This word refers to the act of buying back or rescuing something or someone from bondage or captivity. In the Psalms, it often refers to God's redemptive work on behalf of his people, both in the present and in the future.

  14. Glory (כָּבוֹד) - This word refers to the honor, splendor, or majesty of God. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's glory as revealed in creation, as well as the glory he shares with his people.

  15. Shepherd (רֹעֶה) - This word refers to someone who cares for and guides a flock of sheep. In the Psalms, it is often used as a metaphor for God's care and guidance of his people.

  16. Trust (בִּטָּחוֹן) - This word refers to the act of relying on or having confidence in someone or something. In the Psalms, it often refers to the trust that God's people place in him, even in the midst of difficulty or distress.

  17. Forgiveness (סְלִיחָה) - This word refers to the act of pardoning or releasing someone from guilt or punishment. In the Psalms, it often refers to God's forgiveness of his people's sins, as well as the requirement for his people to forgive others

  18. Gracious (חַנּוּן) - This word refers to someone who is kind and compassionate, especially towards those who are undeserving or in need. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's character and actions towards his people.

  19. Judge (שֹׁפֵט) - This word refers to someone who renders a verdict or decision in a legal dispute. In the Psalms, it often refers to God as the righteous judge who will ultimately bring justice and vindication to his people.

  20. Majesty (הוֹד) - This word refers to the splendor, glory, or greatness of something or someone. In the Psalms, it is often used to describe God's majesty as revealed in his works and character.

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