For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

Bible Studies Danny Davis Bible Studies Danny Davis

Red Letter Edition: A Kingdom That Loves Its Enemies

In a world where revenge often seems like the natural response to mistreatment or harm, the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5:38-48 can be difficult to embrace. After all, who wants to be kind and forgiving to those who curse us or speak ill of us? It goes against our human instincts to retaliate when wronged. However, as we delve into these passages, we are reminded that God's purpose for our lives transcends our desire for vengeance.

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Bible Studies Danny Davis Bible Studies Danny Davis

Red Letter Edition: Grace-Fueled Obedience and the Power to Not Sin

New Testament believers in Christ live in an era of grace. By God's grace, we are born again and empowered for service. God’s grace, however, does not mean we are permitted to become “lawless.” Pastor Denn Guptill offers seven words that form modern Christians' greatest “cop-out”: "I’m not under law but under grace!" Yes, we are under grace, but does “The Law and the Prophets” no longer apply to any aspect of our lives?

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Bible Studies Danny Davis Bible Studies Danny Davis

Red Letter Edition: Salt & Light - Becoming a Person of Influence (Part 2)

When you profess faith in Christ, you become salt and light to a decaying and dark world. It’s not really an option. That radical transformation makes you unique—distinct from the world around you. Our goal from that point on is to “let [our] light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:18).

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Bible Studies Danny Davis Bible Studies Danny Davis

Red Letter Edition: Salt & Light - Becoming a Person of Influence (Part 1)

Most of us are not in positions of power in this world. Many of us are not in charge of community projects or programs that require large amounts of cash. But that does not mean we are powerless. I may not have power, but I do have influence simply because I am in a relationship with the LORD of the universe – Jesus Christ. What do I mean by the word influence?” It is our capacity in Christ to positively affect someone’s character and behavior, or the direction of a group of people, by consistently acting in agreement with the will of God.

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Bible Studies Danny Davis Bible Studies Danny Davis

Red Letter Edition: Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount (The Beatitudes)

Jesus opens his sermon with a series of statements that begin with Blessed are the […]. We commonly refer to this collection of declarations as The Beatitudes. But what does that mean? What is a beatitude? Simply put, it is a pronouncement of blessing. When Jesus says, Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs, is the kingdom of heaven,” He pronounces blessing over them based on their position as God’s children and not their economic predicament.

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