So, you want to get the most out of your Bible reading and study, wonderful! Learning how to do read and observe a biblical passage is where to start. First, choose a passage you want to study. Select a passage that you want to study. You can choose a passage that speaks to a particular question or issue you're grappling with, or one that you find particularly interesting or inspiring.
I suggest you start with a shorter but complete passage. Most Bible’s contain verse numbers but moving from verse 1 to verse 2 doesn’t always mean a complete sentence. Look for punctuation marks like periods or questions marks that show you where the sentence ends. Doing this allows you to see the complete thought, not just a small part.
Once you’ve chosen a passage, its time to dig deep into it and let it speak to you. Grab a notebook and something to write with, then follow these steps:
Read the passage: Read the passage slowly and carefully, paying attention to the words and phrasing. Try to get a sense of the overall message of the passage. I usually read the passage at least five times before moving on to the next step.
Observe the details: Take note of any details that stand out to you, such as repeated words or phrases, lists, unusual sentence structures, or striking imagery. Look for patterns and connections between different parts of the passage. What questions come to mind? Write down or mark in your Bible whatever you notice.
Consider the context: Consider the historical and cultural context of the passage. Who wrote it, and to whom was it written? What was happening in the world at the time? Understanding the context can help you better understand the meaning of the passage. A good study Bible can assist you at this point, I recommend either the Life Application Bible or a Fire Bible (both are available in a variety of translations).
Interpret the meaning: Based on your observations and understanding of the context, interpret the meaning of the passage. What message is the author trying to convey? What lessons can be drawn from the passage? Be careful to let the text and the context speak to you and not read into the passage your own thoughts or ideas. I practice writing down the interpretation in one or two sentences.
“A Bible passage has one interpretation, but many applications.”
Apply the passage: Consider how the message of the passage applies to your own life. What can you learn from the passage, and how can you apply its teachings to your own circumstances?
Remember that reading and observing a Bible passage is a deeply personal and spiritual experience. Take your time, be open to new insights and revelations, and trust in your own intuition and understanding.
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